Thursday, July 31, 2008

:::Phone Report:::

Owner: Unknown
Model: Nokia 5300
Colour: Purple
Date it lost: 30.07.08
Time it lost: Unknown
Decoration: Nana(purple)
Status: Silent mode

*Person who found this phone will be rewarded, as if.

Info. above proves that i lost my phone. Sobs sobs. * 1 am. I realised it when i wanted to take a pic of my Fish which i carved during Seni lesson. Made in Malaysia by a girl named Mokki. Material: Soap. It turned out nice anyway. (so perasan). *back to my phone. So, i started using my house phone and dialled my phone number. Then, i remembered that i on the silent mode in my phone(how stupid i am). Just then, my mum's still awake when it's so late(one in a year).

Me: Ma! Ma! Ma!
Mum: Yes? Yes? Yes?
Me: Where's my phone. I can't find it. How? How? How?
Mum: Oh ya, oh ya, oh ya. I forgot to tell you that the maid kept it cos' got people came to repair something. I scared thay steal it.
Me: What???Aiyo.
Mum: It's in 姐姐's room.
Me: Got it.

So, i got back my phone in the end.

*Here's my fish.
As a symbol of DONGHAE! 东海!

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