Monday, July 21, 2008

:::I'm Home:::

Now, i'm finally back to B.L.O.G.
For the past few couple of days, i'm...
Mostly as busy as bee:
1) St. John Flag Day
2) My aunt & uncle from Australia came
3) Hardly get to touch the computer
4) Busy baking cake & making pizza
5) Too tired

*referring to the info. above your head(?)
Came back from St. John flag day on weekends, i slept for 4 hours. Just too T?I?R?E?D? I'm just like a pig. My aunt & uncle taught me just too many things. T>H>A>N>KS. My computer was away from me for the past few days. W.E.L.C.O.M.E BACK. Trying on the new cake recipe and delicious thick pizza. Y~U~M~M~Y. Trying to be a PIG. z..z..z..z..z..

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