Saturday, June 28, 2008


Today, friends and I went for the FOA It's also Carmenn's Worst Birthday ever. Carmenn, Li Chin and i went together in a car and reached at 7.45am. So early as it only started at around 9am. About 8.30am, something really unlucky happened. Gosh! They said no shorts and skirts allowed. Why couldn't they just tell us earlier? Just nice that 3 of us wore skirts, erm i wore casual dress. Anyway, we quickly called a taxi and rushed back to my house to change. I ended up wearing MNG shirt with Levis pants. Fortunately, we're not late. I love our school performance so much,"The Hip Hop Dance". They danced to the song Purple Line by DBSK. Yuhuu! We waited till 12.30pm for that dance. After that, we straight away went home, not went home, i meant CS. Carmenn, Li chin and I waited for my mum's car. As it was so hot, we climbed to the fence and Carmenn Carmenn, she tore my leggings. A little tiny bit hole. Haha!
We ate at the Sundanese Restaurant (my mum belanja). Again the same old thing, Li Chin ate a lot. (Pls don't scold me for saying this, LC) After our stomach bloated, we went to Popular. Shop, shop, walk, walk till MPH. We found the Hannah Montana 3-D glasses and started wearing it and took pics (my sis was the photographer). How silly! And we couldn't stop laughing. But, Carmenn deleted it. Only left the Li Chin version. And we saw Heng, Chiu and the gang. After that, we went to Sasa to buy something and i bought eyeliner. Carmenn thought me how to put it on but it smeared. We went back to my house at 4pm. Li Chin started playing my guitar and she almost going to break the strings. They went back home at around 5.45pm. Tata.

Meersha eating her hotdog

The flattened cotton candy (looks like my tongue)

Li Chin eating again

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