Tuesday, June 17, 2008

:::Fellowship Dinner:::

The dinner for Rotary Club in my house has already ended 3 hours ago, around 10 pm. So early, that's what you will think. There's school and work tomorrow. I guess this is what they said: "Gotta go now. Got work and my children got school tomorrow" That's true. Back to the beginning. When i came back from school, human's cars were almost all along Jalan Wijaya, that's where i live. I t was so crowded that i went into my house using the backdoor. From the gate till the backyard, it's all FOOD like chicken curry, whatever curry, lamb, crabmeat soup, local food and more. There's also Karaoke. Like the house was going to explode. Actually i wanted to invite my friends but seems it was all my father's fellow friends and there's speech from a Japanese guy and all. I went to ask my mum for permission around 7.30 pm but it was too late. Carmenn said cannot cos her mum was tired. So, never mind la. I'm just so looking forward to next year if there's still.

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