Tuesday, April 22, 2008

With Smile

It's such a long time since i updated my blog. I had changed my template. The new one has come. But i had lost some parts of my blog. Now i realised that 'whenever i get the new ones, i'll lose the old ones'. Now, it has been 34 days since my brother left for Australia. My family was thinking of going there for a holiday & visit him. Like 'Killing two birds with one stone'. But, i think it's not gonna happen as my sister who will be taking UPSR this year will be having extra classes during that time. For now, we hope her extra classes will be on the 2nd week of the holidays as we have thought of leaving on 1st of June.

Today in tuition, someone told me something. I almost broke down into tears. But, when i had made thing clear, i realised that it's not actually like this & it's not us, it's someone else. So, i hope (?) will understand.
For weeks i have been practising my piano...Only Love by SM Town...which is one of my favourite songs. I still have to pull up my socks as 'Practices make perfect'. One evening, when i was sitting on my bed, looking out of the window, i realised that there are many things i have to do. Not only that, there are many problems which i kept in my heart for so long and i don't know what to do. All i know is that actually i'm hiding it with a smile. Exam is coming and i have yet to study. Thinking what i have been doing is all right in front of the computer.

Last Friday, there was supposed to be Japanese Class for the very first time. But, it was cancelled. I was quite disappointed. Other than that, as a St. John member, i'm supposed to attend the St. John lesson which will be held every Friday. But, i got Japanese Class at the same time. I really wish to learn Japanese out of my two most wanted languages, which another one is Korean. I am thinking, 'if learning a new language, does it make my life better?'

Last week, we had our cooking(?) and Carmenn and I cooked CHICKEN CHOP. It turned out 90% cooked but nice. When i woked up the next morning, i realised that actually there are a few things that i forgot to do for that poor chicken. So, do i have STML? (in jokingly way)

Maybe i'm just writing a long-winded story. So, I guess i would just stop here.

With smile,

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