Wednesday, April 30, 2008

:::Still not at ease:::

So annoyed. Tommorow holiday! Yay! But not for me. 1st May 2008, 7.30am, *ring...(alarm clock) time to wake up>get ready for piano lesson>blah blah blah. Still got Maths tuition tommorow at 4pm-7pm (3 hours). Next topic, 'shhh...' Now my sister making my face red hot + it's boiling. Maybe, i shouldn't have done this and that.

Today, 4pm+,
Me: Mak Cik! Mak Cik! 1 bubble tea yam! (she didn't hear)Fine.
Alia: Eh, Mokki, help me buy ice blended apple.
Me: Ok. Again, Mak Cik!
Alia: Help me order one more, but without bubble.
Me: (Didn't listen properly)
(End my dialogue)

Then, i called out Mak Cik! Bubble tea apple! (ordered wrongly for myself)Luckily, she didn't hear. When i ordered Alia's, i got myself messed up. +Someone took my bubble tea yam away when i already touched it. After almost 8 mins, back to my seat passed Alia her ice blended apple. _________?__________. (I'll skipped that part) I was back in a terrible mood. My friends were like quiet. Maybe it's my first time to be in a blacky mood. Btw, i'm just angry with that girl who took away my drink & not anyone else. Don't worry. :)

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