Sunday, March 14, 2010


I'm too bored...seriously 0.0
Got back all my results except BM.
Ohhh why? How did Rat know her BM marks?
Where was I? Lost-.-
Three A1s, three A2s, one B3 and...
Know what? Let's don't talk about Add Maths.

It's 6 days to SJ concert^^
I'm totally grooved. I can finally get my enthusiasm towards it.
I can't wait for Monday tooooooo.....

7 days to my Sweet 16!!!
I got to think of how to celebrate it since it's important.
Let's see...on that day:
I'll reach JB from KL at 8am.
Then need to rush to the Zoo for my b'day.
I mean for World Down Syndrome Day, which is on my b'day.
It's not a bad idea too to celebrate there right?
Anyway, there's tuition at 10:30am on that day too. Probably skipping it.

Gotta sleep. Discuss one day=)

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