Saturday, April 11, 2009

Was so tired after coming back from Malacca yesterday.
Lazy to blog about it.

So this is what happened today:
At 12.10pm, Lichin called.
LC: Hello Mokki, so can i go to your house to do Sejarah Folio?(Right...)
Me: Harr...But i lazy to entertain you le.
LC: No need one.
Me: Fine fine fine.

So, she came.
These are what she did:

  • Signing up Facebook for me
  • Blogging
  • Viewing pics from my phone
  • Bullying my dog (Of course, she's a dog bully)

Three hours passed...
Still blogging.
One hour later...
LC: Okay...I want to do my Sejarah Folio.(She remembered)

One hour later again...
We went to cook a pretty-cheesy-ewwed omelette egg or whatever.
My comments:

1. Too cheesy (That we might even get high cholesterol)
2. Too many eggs (It means that i've had 5 eggs today all to myself)
3. A little salty (I'm the one put the salt=P)

Lichin helped lots by cutting the cheese and sausages with her wonderfull skills.
She loves saying the words 'Lots'.
No matter what, it turned out pretty tasty. And my tummy bloated after that.
WARNING! The following pictures may make you feel disgusted.

Me cooking (Nice right?)

The food...on the today-expired bread.

Tada...Our own delicious eggs.

Lichin...cutting with skills. (Cutting small will make you taste better)by LC.
Wong LiChin, the Chef.

Lichin My mess.

Yay! We finished it.

Look who's playing the piano.

Lichin, the pianist. (You look funny)


This is to my Owners.

Never abandon me to SPCA=)
I saw this donation box in Malacca.

I only donated RM 1. (Economy crisis)

If you ever see this, please do me a favor by donating.

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