Friday, June 6, 2008

:::Holiday's ending:::

Holiday's ending soon. School's starting just another 3 more days. What i have been doing for these 2 weeks:
*Wake up, eat, play guitar & piano, watch anime, draw anime, read fanfic, sleep, wake up, eat, play guitar & piano, watch anime, draw anime, read fanfic, sleep...(just keep on repeating)

Then, what about my homework. They are still on my messed-up study table, left untouched. My Sejarah & Science FOLIO! Still have no idea of it. 2 more days for me to do. Can i finish it on time? Go super girl!
Yesterday, i went to Singapore. What a tiring shopping day. Things i bought:
*Swatch watch
*BoA latest album
*Comics (Fushigi Yugi)
*Anime magazine (Shojo Beat)
*Book on how to draw manga
Looks like my life is surrounded by anime. I went to the giant HMV music store in Singapore, that's what i call as there's 3 floors. Super Junior-M album could be seen all around the 3rd floor of HMV. Wow! Hope i own that music store. That's all for what i have been doing during these animation holiday. Tata!

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