Saturday, June 21, 2008

:::Fun or not DAY:::

1) St. John CPR & First Aid Workshop
Seriously, it was fun. It started at 8am to around 2pm. But, i left 10 mins earlier. Cos need to meet up with Rat at CS. After speech, we were grouped. Then, learn CPR. After Chiu showed everyone CPR as she's de instructor, I was called out to show too. Gosh, so long didn't do CPR already. But, it turned out quite ok. Oh ya, my partner was Charmaine Quek. After having our break, we learned bandaging. I can say that i sucked at it. I ended up asking Charmaine on how to do it. Then, it's de game time. Just too complicated. After that, they showed us shockcase. But, i went already before it finished.

2) Hanging out in CS

Li Chin followed me home and after getting ready, we left for CS around 2.15pm with my sis and her friends. 3 musketeers are me, Li Chin & Rat & 3 blind mice are my sis(Jia Xin), Reva & Wong Shi Hui. I was to babysit them. But, i just left them on their own. Please keep it from my mum. We met up with Rat and went to eat at Wong Kok Char Char Teng Restaurant. Kim Gary Restaurant was so full. We saw Yee Hung, Pei Wern and other friends passing by when eating. Of course, we greeted them. And i paid the bill for Li Chin & Rat first. Makesure they pay me back. Haha! Cos i'm de class treasurer still.

That's Li Chin & her fried rice, gone already. Just to tell you that she kept on budging me that she's hungry. AND she can eat a lot.

Rat and her waffle with 3 scoops of ice cream. Right, you can see that Rat can't eat a lot. Opposite with Li Chin. So, we ended up helping her to eat.

So, what about me? I ate rice with pork. Err...i also didn't finish. Just left a little bit. We ate for RM 44.95. Still remember. Oh ya, i forgot to say that we're here to see de dance comp. actually and Twister won. Yuhuu!!! After that de 3 blind mice came to find me and said that they want to go Roibo & Marrybrown. What a good eater! Just scared that they bumped into to the walls. So, Li Chin, Rat and me went to Popular and we bought STORYBOOKS. I bought 2 CDs at CD Rama. Then, we went to Camelon to buy something for Meersha. After that, we went to Innercity to buy skirt for Li Chin but ended up each of us buying a T-SHIRT. Cute. 3 blind mice were there too but they didn't buy. We saw two seniors there too. We stared at each other for a while and they said Hi! So, we also said Hi! For me, in a hyper way. Then, we chose school bag for Li Chin, bought STYLO bags & magazine and headed to Roibo. I drank milk tea and Li Chin ate her waffles. We wanted to take Neoprint but that Li Chin didn't want and i finished all my RM 200 my father gave. Soon, 5.30pm, we went home. So long. And Carmenn couldn't join us cos she need to attend de cheerleading course.

3) My Grandmum's B'day

Today was my grandmum's 70th B'day. We celebrated at her house straight away i came back from CS. So tired. It was so fun and full until my older sis need to unbutton her pants cos her belly expanded. My cousin who i long time no see had grown so much taller than me and he's younger than me by a year. All of them kept on comparing. I know i'm short. My tuition teacher called me and said that no tuition tommorow and i was so happy but, later she called again & said there will be. So sad and i haven't done the homework. I came back home at 10.40pm and quicky went to bath. Now, i'm blogging, ignoring my homework. Better get going and burn midnight oil now. Tata.

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