Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Choral Speaking Audition in New Haircut?!?!?!

Haizzz...Today i went 4 choral speaking audition...
in de skul at 11am...
Den i went home...din go to skul...
Oh ya...1 more thing...
I actually went there in my new haircut...
a.k.a cny haircut...
seiously tt is quite short...
Wen i tie a pony tail...
It luks like tt penguin's fringe...haha...
*Back to choral speaking...
My laz time of joining choral speaking...
was wen i wan std. 5 (2005)...
in Convent...i mean primary skul...
It was really really fun...
tt's y i want to join again...
Not sure i got pass de audition o not...
so scared...
I was quite nervous tt i said de wrong words...
But still get going no matter wat...
Can't wait to noe de results...
Not sure wen cumin out...
Good Luck to me then...

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