Thursday, January 31, 2008

Pappp...Who's tt???

Dialog Version...
*after coming out of the toilet
Carmenn: Eh...Mokki. Juz now wen i went to de toilet.
Den i saw 1 of de door is opened...
So, i opened it...(a little)
i tot got nobody inside...
Suddenly, i saw a gal with short hair, quite dark, wearing white shirt...
was inside...
Mokki: Wad de!?! Juz now i saw Meershie juz came out...
OMG!!! It's her le...
Carmenn: time she quickly closed de door...
Eheheh...Let's go talk to Meersha...
*talking to Meershie
Carmenn: Meersha...juz now r u de one hu pappp de door...???
Meersha: Wad??? So it's u la hu opened it??? Aiyo...
Carmenn, Mokki, Meershie, Rowena...:
Muahahahahahaha!!! Wad la!!!
So tt's wad happened at skul today...Y Meeshie din locked de door...
Oh ya...she said tt couldn't locked...
but at least use de pail to block it la...haizz...
n now...she's caught red-handed...(*said by Carmenn)

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