Friday, January 11, 2008

Li Chin!!! Shhh!!!

Wat a day!!! That Li Chin a.k.a Lychee is so annoying to day in de skul...
She can't stop complaining tt she's unlucky...arghh!!!
First, she said tt de canteen mak cik scolded her...
Second, teacher...
Third, friend...n blah blah blah...
She's like spreading them to everyone...haizzz...
Juz wondering how's she now???haha...

Something happened in front of our skul today...
A car n motorcycle accident...amazingly is tt it's de police car tt hit de motorcycle...
What a pity 4 de father n son got injured somewhere on his leg... *poor little boy...
De police muz be so embarassed 4 themselves...haizz...police nowadayz...

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