Tuesday, December 25, 2007

ChRisTmAs PaRty


My parents & my youngest sis r not at home...as they went to Thailand...
So, my big sis, big bro & I throw a party on de Christmas eve...
Our house were fulled wit party animalz...
tt's y i luv Christmas even tho i'm not a Christian...
We decorated de house...
Oh ya...dis was a potluck party...so, everyone brought a kind of food...
But, my siblings n i ate our own frenz' food...
Thx to Kitty tt she brot brownies...yummy...my favourite...haha...
So tired...de party was still on even tho it's alr 2 am...how unbelievable...
My bro's frenz cooked de food in our house...luckily de house is still in gud condition haha...
4 of my bro's frenz n 2 of my sis's frenz stayed over nite...
But sadly, not mine...:(
At 1 am...my sis n i went to Danga Bay to take pics of her frenz hu r couple...
How romantic...haha...
Hmmm...can't wait 4 tomoro as my siblings n i r going out 4 a Christmas dinner...
Yipee!!! Spending time wit siblings...
Now...2.15 am, i am so boring...keep rolling around de house...
Better get goin now...

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