Monday, October 15, 2007

Pn. Mary's Farewell & Christmas Concert

It was on 8th october 2007...

De Grease Dance
It was a dance created by my frenz...
Our dance was de 6th performance...
It was a cute n funny dance...
I guess many liked it...
It was quite an old dance n it's from de 80's...
Unfortunately, i had 4gotten some of de parts tt day...

De Choir Musical
We had also performed De Choir MUSICAL...
It was my 1st time to perform de musical...
I got to stand on de 1st row...
Maybe i'm juz too short...n...hav to wear de DO-RE-Mi costume...
It was quite fun to cooperate with de seniors...
Even though i'm memang blur tt day...

De Christmas Choir
This was my 3rd performance...
It was de Christmas Medley...
I joined dis per. at the 11th hour...
As i'm not pretty sure tt i shud join at de beginning...
At last, i'm still on de stage...
I liked it a lot as it was a beautiful music...

So...these r de 3 performances tt i had...
Sure it was quite tiring on tt day...
As i had been changing my clothes after one another...
That is all...

Written by,

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