Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Little 동동

Hello peeps^^
I can't believe my last post was more than a month ago.
Of course i need to find something to blog or not they'll be none.

Anyway, according to Rat,
" Good news to Form 4 students about the mid-year examination; Papers which be held before the holidays are the 'teras' subjects (eg. BM, BI, Moral...) while the Science and PA subject papers will be after the holidays."

So thank you God!!!!!!!!^^ More time to study for Science subjects. Ehhhh wait...what about Add Maths? 0.o

Welllll, another good news for me and Zoelle.
I've finally banked in the money for the U-Kiss's fanmeeting.
52 days in countdown~~~~~~~~
U-U-U-U-Kisssss and .................

The main thing nowwww actually is my Dong Dongㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
It's the chemical garden we did in chemistry class and this is mine.
It grows according to your personality according to Cik Mas.
Rat accidentally broke one of my Dong Dong's lovely branches when i told her that i wanna give it to kevin='(
Ohhhhhh Donghaeeeee, i named it b'cos of youㅍㅍㅍㅍㅍㅍㅍ
Righttt...forget about the Kevin part...
This is so mine ㅎㅎ

P.S Anugerah Cemerlang somewhere near Danga Bay, 8th May(Sat). Is it supposed to be a dinner or what???????=P

I'll be back soon^^

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