Monday, December 7, 2009

I have Pea Brain bro and sis have been getting crazy over the game "Biggest Brain Academy".
They're currently competing who has the biggest brain.
The highest for now little sis which is 21++.
And i got pulled in. They wanna test my brain.
Soooo...this is a little embarassing, mine is 1779.
Fine fine fine, i don't think i have pea brain.
I don't wanna insult my brain. Haha.
Anyway tomorrow is the 8th of Dec dy.
It means that i'll be leaving for Japan.
Finally, my wish's coming TRUE.
I will still go online, blogging and twitter, btw.
Cos i will be staying at my sis's place.
Haixxx, i will be back a day before the PMR results.
Okay...i'm getting nervous while excited.
My left arm muscle is still kinda pain after the injection yesterday.
Ouch...hope it'll stop tomorrow.

One more one more, I think i'm seriously in love with LEE YONG DAE.
He's my favourite sports player now.
I can't get over what happened that day.

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