Friday, November 20, 2009

Food Mania 3

It's my 3rd post of Food Mania.
As you see, i've waited days and nights to cook the Chicken Kebab.
And i finally did it.
So sad my sister couldn't taste cos she's having St. John campfire.
St. John has their BBQ and i'll have my grilled chicken kebab.
Awww...i just cooking so much.
Here check it out
Looking delicious??? Sure is.
First, we need to gather all these ingredients:
2 lbs cubed chicken breast (the main important)
3 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
1/4 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/8 teaspoon cayenne
1 cubit of salt
*add the amount according to your liking
Next, just mix all the ingredients.
I know, it's a little eww...
Ohya, pls add BBQ sauce or honey or both. It'll be super tastier.
Look better now???
Now, you shall allow the chicken to marinate for 2-24 hours, covered in the refrigerator.
Like this. Clear???
After a long time, you can cucuk the chicken with some vegetables.
Hmmm...kinda colourful.
Next, grill them for 15 minutes or whenever.
You can now eat it, maybe with rice or salad or even bread.
That picture above was actually my family's dinner.
I'm fully full now.
I hope my sis will bring back some food from the campfire.
I'm still so jealous of Meersha. She gets to eat.
Maybe they're enjoying now. Boohoohoo
That's all for my Food Mania 3.
Food Mania 4's coming soon.
Pizza next.........

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